We live in a world that glorifies the idea of being a trailblazer, someone who creates something brand new from scratch. And yes, there’s a time for innovation, for fresh ideas, for creativity. But let me ask you this: Why reinvent the wheel when someone has already paved the road to where you want to go?
We’ve all been there—sitting on an idea, a dream, or a goal, waiting for the stars to align, for everything to be just right. We tell ourselves, “I’ll start when I’m ready. I’ll start when it’s perfect.” But let me tell you something: if you’re waiting for perfect, you’ll be waiting forever.
Life is made up of chapters. Some are long and joyful, filled with achievements and laughter. Others are short and bitter, marked by loss, setbacks, or struggles. But no matter how the last chapter ended, here we are—at the start of a new one. What’s written is done. The ink has dried, and there’s no rewriting the past. But the beautiful part is, what comes next is still blank. The future is unwritten, and you hold the pen.
The god’s honest truth is that people are going to give up on you. It’s not fair, but it’s a fact. Friends will drift away, mentors may move on, and the people you thought would stand by your side might turn their backs, when the road gets tough. But the great thing is — you don’t need everyone to believe in you. You only need one person. And that person is you.
Let me ask you —would you ever look at your best friend on their worst day and say, “You’re not good enough. You’ll never get through this. Why can’t you just be better?” Of course not. You’d offer compassion, support, and understanding. You’d remind them that they’re human, that life is tough sometimes, and that they’re doing the best they can.
We tend to think that growth is always about more—adding new skills, gaining new experiences, meeting new people, climbing to higher places. But sometimes, growth isn’t about addition at all. Sometimes, it’s about deletion. It’s about releasing the things that weigh us down so we can rise to our full potential.